Sunday, December 29, 2019

Why You Should Not Feed Wild Animals Essay - 547 Words

I remember being a little boy crying as I watched a zoo monkey eat my chocolate ice cream bar. Animal natural instincts are designed for their own survival, which means fulfilling their basic needs, including food and water. They will do anything it takes to get food, learning and adapting from each new experience. US Geological Survey wants to make it very clear to prohibit any feeding of wildlife. I wish to quickly cover three points why you should not feed wild animals. One, feeding wildlife disrupts natural cycles, creating dependencies. Two, it is unsafe for both you and the animal. Three, processed human food is unhealthy for wild animals. If you do your part by not feeding wild animals and letting your friends and family know how†¦show more content†¦These spoiled animals will learn to trust humans, and become dependent on them. They may lose their natural defenses when they become trusting of humans. If the humans leave the area, their food source will be cut off, an d they may not be able to return to the natural way of finding food, killing off the animals. The tools of daily humans living are dangerous to wildlife, such as cars, pets, or pollution. This leads me to my second point, feeding wildlife is unsafe for you and the animals. Much of wildlife survives in the wilderness because of their tuned senses and strong defense mechanisms. Many animals have senses far more sensitive than humans and can react far faster than any human or household pet. The natural food chain requires that predators kill and eat their prey and defend themselves against attackers. Wild animals initiate defense mechanisms when they encounter new things. For example, animals will freeze when light is shined at them, resulting in road kill. A porcupine will raise his spines when offended, hurting unknowing pets or children. Sometimes animals learn to forcefully get their food by attacking humans or pets. In the case of a bear, an animal weighing over a ton with claws stronger than a tractor, humans dont stand a chance. Wild animals are commonly carriers of diseases such as rabies or viruses, whichShow MoreRelatedFeral Pigs Are Destroying the State of Tex as817 Words   |  3 Pagesare considered one of the most destructive species of animals ever introduced to America. The amount of destruction feral pigs produce on a yearly basis in Texas is alarming; almost half a billion dollars in damages to property and crops are estimated every year as a result of the pigs’ actions. Feral pigs are responsible for causing widespread agricultural damage, spreading diseases in the food supply, and harming the state’s ability to feed needy people with their meat. Agricultural ranchers inRead MoreThe Dangerous Nature Of Whales1724 Words   |  7 PagesWhales in Captivity Killer whales are beautiful creatures that roam the ocean with grace and authority; they are wild animals, meant to be free. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Gendered Media The Journey to Gender Identity Essay

In a study done by The 4Th Estate, the results showed men are quoted around five times more than women in stories regarding women (Pesta 1). With media being so male centered, it is not surprising that often women become the target of sexual objectification in all realms of media. With the concept of â€Å"Sex Sells† still holding true, many advertising outlets have continued to fund ads with sexually focused content. Whether you are listening to the radio, reading your favorite magazine, or just window shopping in the mall you are being targeted by media’s gendered advertising. In 2008, Miley Cyrus posed for Vanity Fair magazine. Although the half nude pictures did not make the cover in the States, Italian Vogue featured then fifteen†¦show more content†¦The magazine cover reminded readers that sex will always be important. In particular, it reminds women that if they are not considered sexy by men, then there is something wrong with them. Media wants wo men to be sex objects; to have this double standard of slutty yet virginal. It also places stress on women both inside and outside their home. Young women are forced into achieving effortless perfection (Wood 201). They have to succeed in all aspects of their lives without any visible signs of struggle. While trying to be successful, their professional lives are also degraded due to pink-collar sexuality. This idea puts women in mediocre jobs that fit the stereotypical role of an overt feminine woman (Ouellette 228). Women are not only having to combat the opinions of those of their own gender but from the male gender as well. With this cover showing such a young girl, young men are now taught how they should want their women to be from a very young age. But just when you think it cannot get any easier for young women to succeed, media swoops in and offers us aid. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

She Touched the Little Box in Her Pocket and Smiled Free Essays

She touched the little box in her pocket and smiled†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Anne was playing all by her self as usual. Nobody bothered to play with her, for she was poor, so no one knew about her imaginative personality. Anne was used to it. We will write a custom essay sample on She Touched the Little Box in Her Pocket and Smiled or any similar topic only for you Order Now she was roaming around the school alone, when she caught the sight of something shining. She ran to it-it was a little golden box with some carvings on it. She picked it up, trying to imagine what there was inside†¦.. an alien? Maybe some money†¦ or chocolates? Or better still†¦ a tiny alien which would grow and grow and begin to eat people! Anne put the box into her pocket. She decided to keep her little secret to herself; to open the school afterschool. after a boring history lesson, the final bell rang. Anne rushed home and locked herself in her rom. She took out the box. She was afraid to open it ,though. What if it had a bomb in it? She finally summoned all her courage to open it when she was disturbed b a soft knock on her door. It was her mother. Anne please come and lay the table for tea, because I’m tired and my head feels hot, â€Å" she said Anne groaned and thought it would not make a difference if she did not do it. They did not have enough to buy food, anyway, so it was just biscuits and tea. She was impatient to open her box. But she went down and laid the table, and waited for her father, a poor tailor, to come back home. When he came, he sat down immediately, exhausted from walking. He opened his newspaper and began sipping his tea. A jewelry case, belonging to Mr. mason, containing a diamond ring, was lost on her way home. Whoever returns it will get a reward,† he read aloud Anne opened the box that night. The next day, Anne went to school skipping. Her class had to write essays. She chose the topic â€Å"if I were a millionaire† to write on. The other children laughed at it. â€Å"you? A millionaire? † they asked She touched the little box I her pocket and smiled. It was Mr. Mason’s jewelry case with the ring inside How to cite She Touched the Little Box in Her Pocket and Smiled, Essay examples